Friday, October 31, 2008

Daddy and Miss Kiota

This isn't cute at all!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Getting my baby rolls

I love hanging out in my diaper!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Love My Baby Bjorn!

Here's Miss Kiota taking her morning nap with mommy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Now I lay me down to sleep.......

Chillin In My Crib

Here's Miss Kiota chillin out in her crib.... her eye sight is getting better and she loves to look at lights and moving objects.... she was pretty facinated with her mobile here.......

Friday, October 24, 2008

Off To The Doctor Again

Miss Kiota had her first "urgent" trip to the doctor yesterday - she has been so fussy lately - just not herself.... The diagnosis, heartburn! Funny, mommy had A LOT of heartburn when she was pregnant with her! After the first does of heartburn medication, she's back to her happy sweet self. Poor little girl....

Her new-born rash is very pronounced these days, the doctor's say it doesn't hurt, but her little face looks so sore.....

Both of these conditions will clear up as she gets bigger....

This is a picture of her sleeping (on an incline....) and in her bumble bee outfit! Isn't she adorable!

Daddy's Finally Home!!!!!

Daddy came home from hunting and is getting some good quality time with his daughter! Even though daddy didn't bring home the big elk this year, he definitely has something to be happy about - little Miss Kiota!

Monday, October 20, 2008

2 Week Check Up

Well, we went to the pediatrician for our 2 week check up today.... and I'd say Miss Kiota is doing very well..... she now weighs 8lbs 10 ozs - guess we dont need to worry if she is getting enough to eat!!!!

She had a big growth spurt over the last couple of days and has been a little fussy but all in all she is doing great and an awesome little girl!!!

Daddy comes home on Wednesday - we really miss him!!!!!! - Especially at 2am!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Daddy's Gone Hunting

Daddy left Friday morning for his annual hunting trip and Kiota and I just completed our first 24 hours solo and things went very well. She slept great for mommy last night and gave me two 3.5 - 4 hours in a row!

Keep your fingers crossed in hopes that daddy actually brings something home this year!

One day down four to go before daddy comes home!

Kiota Chillin' Out With A Full Belly

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mommy and Miss Kiota

Miss Kiota and Mommy just hanging out!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Daddy's Little Girl

Kiota is on top, Daddy's Baby picture is the bottom - I guess we can cancel our appearance on Maury!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Welcome Kiota!

We were happy to welcome our first born daughter, Kiota Louise Roguski on October 3, 2008. She arrived at 3:55pm weighing in at 7lbs 7oz and 19 inches. She is named after her two Maternal Great-Grandmothers.

She is so sweet and wonderful and looks just like her daddy and Grandpa Roguski! Mommy wonders if she really had anything to do with her.

We have been home a little over one week now, and things are going very well. Kiota is a sweet little girl who has been fairly easy - if we dare say so!

Daddy will be home the entire month to help out - and he has gotten himself tightly wrapped around Kiota's little finger already!

Check in regularily for picture updates!

Daddy has the magic touch!

Hangin' With Daddy

Grandpa Roguski's Strong Genes!

Mommy 6 days before delivery!