Saturday, December 27, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Couldn't Resist

Is it just me or is she the cutest thing EVER!!!:?!?!??! I just had to post this one!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

My First Christmas

Miss Kiota enjoyed her first Christmas!  Here she is with Ms. Ruby and Nana!!!!  She was "over" taking pictures - but it's cute anyway!  

Nana and Kiota......

A family picture 

Christmas morning....  "what the heck have you dressed me in???"

It's exhausting looking this cute!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nana Officially Retires!!

After teaching for the better part of 40 years Nana retired last Wednesday!  She said it feels wonderful to know she will NEVER have to grade hundreds of term papers again!!!  She will now assume the role of nanny to Miss Kiota!  What a special gift for all of us.  So, I guess she has traded her term papers for dirty diapers!  This picture is from the other night when we took her out to celebrate her big retirement!  I think she looks pretty happy!

Kiota wasn't very happy that we were leaving her, and Nana sympathized....... but she went to dinner anyway!  Thanks to Auntie Paula for babysitting for us!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Our Little Cutie!

Daddy doesn't play dress up very well!!! He's got a Bahh Humbug look!!!!

Isn't she precious!

Getting Ready For Christmas

Kiota loves the Christmas tree - it has so many pretty lights!!! Doesn't she look adorable in her Santa hat! Stay tuned for pictures in her Christmas dress!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I apologize to everyone for not posting new pictures in a while.... We have been busy I guess! Anyway, here's Miss Kiota and her first visit with Santa! She didn't cry this year!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Home safe and sound

We made it home from our first cross-country plane trip!  In the last 4 days, Miss Kiota has been on 4 plane flights (flying standby!!!), met about a thousand family members and gotten cuter and cuter with each passing moment!  She did amazingly well on the trip!  She is definitely tired as are mommy and daddy, but we are so glad me made the journey!

Nana stayed with Comet and Cuervo...... she said Comet looked all over the house for Miss Kiota and he had a heartbroken look on his face when he couldn't find her....  Each morning we were gone he went into her bedroom to see if she was back..... he's giving her some welcome home kisses here.....

Hangin with daddy and Comet! 

An Evening at Grandpa and Grandma Kathy's

Grandma Kathy loves her baby Kiota!  She said she wanted to cry when she saw her for the first time!!!

Hanging out on grandpa's couch!

Chillin' out on daddy's chest in front of the fire - brrrrrrrrrrrrrr it's cold in NY!  

Do you think the family was excited to meet Miss Kiota and welcome her into the family????  This is practice for her life on the red carpet!

Aunts Uncles and Cousins

Cousin Benjamin - what a cutie!

Aunt Michele and Cousin Ben

Family at Aunt Michele and Uncle Nick's 

Uncle Nick - is the baby whisper......  enjoying a nice nap with Miss Kiota

Aunt Paula - enjoying some time with Miss Kiota

Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Kit

FINALLY a GIRL!!!!! Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Kit were so happy to meet their granddaughter.....  Grandma loves her boys, but was thrilled to finally have a baby girl in the family!

Here's Miss Kiota in the beautiful sweater grandma made for her.......  She looks so pretty in it!!! Thanks grandma!

How cute!

Great-Grandpa Plouffe

One of the highlights of our trip to NY was the surprise visit to see great-grandpa Plouffe!  What a special time we had with him!  

I'd say there's a strong family resemblance here!  

Do you think great-grandpa was happy to meet his most recent addition to the family??? I'd say so......

More Family and Friends

I couldn't resist putting this picture up - isn't she just beautiful!!!!

Great-Grandpa Farmer Joe promises to tell lots of wonderful stories when she gets a little older..........she was pretty interested in his stories already!  Great-grandma Nelva couldn't make it to see our precious one, but we know she was with us in spirit and Miss Kiota sent hugs and kisses home with G-gpa Farmer Joe!

Cheryl and Jack came by to meet the little one - I think Jack was out back trying to catch some fish to send home with mommy and daddy!  

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2 Month Check Up And Immunizations

Miss Kiota went for her 2 month check up yesterday - and is living up to daddy's newest nickname for her, "porkchop"! She weighed in at 12lbs 3 oz! The doctor said she's just perfect (we could have told her that!) She had her first round of immunizations - which consisted of 3, yes 3 shots, in her legs and an oral dose..... To mommy's relief daddy was on hand to help the doctor, so mommy didn't have to watch! A bit of a rough night last night, she didn't sleep her usual 9 hours, but that is to be expected...... Mommy is on hand to soothe her!
Here are some pictures of our porkchop - I think we'll have to get the Costco size of apple sauce to accompany her cute little pork chop legs!!!
Below she is chillin' with Uncle Jason - watching football! She's pretty serious about the game!

Seriously, ADORABLE!!!

Chillin' in my crib watching mommy and daddy re-arrange my room to make space for the toy box Aunt Susan brought me!

Can't you guys hurry - pick me up ALREADY!!!!

Thanksgiving at Grandpa and Omi's

Kiota celebrated another Thanksgiving at Grandpa and Omi's! She sure did enjoy her day, and was such a good little girl - hardly any crying!!!! We certainly had a lot to be thankful for this year! Omi out-did herself as usual and cooked a delicious meal, a huge turkey, ham and all the fixin's!
Here's a picture of Kiota with Grandpa!

Another love affair, this time with Aunt Sabrina!

Uncle Jason was a natural, who knew?????!?!?! He taught Miss Kiota all about football! See how interested she is!