Friday, January 23, 2009

Tubby Time

I must be back at work full time, because I  don't have any time to post pictures.... This was during bath time.....   isn't Miss Kiota adorble??!?!?!  She LOVES to suck on her fingers!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We returned to Highland Haven where we were married and took some family pictures with the same outstanding photographer who did our wedding.  This is the fireplace where John first saw me in my wedding dress.  We thought it was the perfect place for our first family pictures with Miss Kiota

Miss Kiota on a blanket made by her great-grandma Nina Kennedy

So much personality and only 2.5 months old!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Daddy's Wine Holder!

Daddy has figured out the Baby Bjorn comes in VERY handy!!!!

Our Sweetie

Women pay BIG bucks for lips like these!!!

Snuggling with mommy!!! Catching that last catnap before the witching hour!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Daddy came home New Years Day after working for 3 days.... both he and Kiota were exhausted.....  Daddy spent 36 hours in Scranton, PA that's gotta wear anyone out!

She looks just like her cute little bug!

You gotta wonder what's going through her mind!!!!